Friday, July 21, 2006

That kind of summer...

I remember 1984 well. Not in an Orwellian sense, but that particular July was similar to what we are experiencing this summer. July 7, 1984 turned out to be the date of the 6th place record flood on the Perkiomen Creek (largest trib to the Schuylkill River). Recurring heavy summer storms over a period of two (or 3?) weeks culminated in a 4-inch-in-1-hour event that sent the Perky way out of its banks. I lived in a log cabin that was situated in the floodway. Ended up tethering the Datsun station wagon to the big ash tree. The front porch became Noah's Ark. That is a story that will be told in full sometime soon.

Meanwhile, the Tohickon Creek, shaly piedmont crick that it is, shot up from 1.48. to 2.81' over the last few hours, harbinger of things to come for more pervious watersheds. We are getting heavy rain in the lower Delaware River watershed. Looks like the Pocono region is not getting all that much right now, but that will probably change.

If the forecast is correct the larger rivers will probably not exceed flood stage, however tributaries are likely to go out of their banks.

All eyes on the NWS and flood forecasting folks.

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