Sunday, June 03, 2007

Operation RiverBright


Looks as if we'll get a pounding from remnants of Tropical Rainstorm Barry, but it will be a short bout, one night and out. I don't expect the storm to take the river up too high for the upcoming river cleanup. The Delaware River at Belvidere is still below avg. daily median flow, as is Riegelsville and all the tribs.

We have a great group of volunteers from the National Canoe Safety Patrol - Lower Delaware Chapter lined up for both the Friday morn river training provided for the NJ Youth Corps (5 safety/instructors including me) and the Saturday cleanup itself (14).

I will be out on the water this Wednesday eve (6 PM) to scout, anyone interested let me know (for cleanup participants only). I do know that we will concentrate on some of the smaller gravel islands, easy and safe pickings, and certain areas frequented by Redneck fishermen.

We still need more volunteers, so please sign-up and bring along some friends.